Friday, January 2, 2009

Why I Stayed Home on New Year's Eve.

I was in Las Vegas from Friday December 26 to Tuesday December 30 (yes, I got married..) We stayed at the Mirage and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. On Monday December 29, we saw this little white dude walking around in an all-white leather jumpsuit. Surrounded by his security detail, he strolled with a swagger. Then I walked by the bike.

Yes, it was Robbie Knievel. He jumped the volcano at the Mirage, so we stayed home to watch. This was how it looked on Fox.

This video has a better angle, but no sound.

This stunt, down the street at the Paris Hotel was baaadassss! This was performed by Robbie Maddison.

Oh yeah and we stayed home to avoid morons like the ones hassling the reporter just doing her job.
