I have read a bunch of liveblogs for events so now I'm going do one myself for the SuperBowl. Since I'm in Austin, all times are Central.
5:15 PM-The awarding of the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award. Kurt Warner wins it.
Walter Payton is my sports hero, before Jordan ruled Chicago, the town
belonged to Walter Payton. I have a soft spot for Kurt Warner, since we are
the same age and his story of perseverance gives me hope that my creative
career (music and writing) will take off and gain some acceptance.
5:18 PM-The crew who landed the jet in the Hudson. Very cool.
5:19 PM-How has Jennifer Hudson not have won a Grammy? She won an Oscar. She is the
only American Idol that I know and it appears the only one with real talent.
It is a shame what happened to her family. She is singing the anthem well, but
the arrangement makes it sound like a Dream Girls tune. She kinda oversings
the last note, plus she doesn't resolve the melody. She holds the 5th and
doesn't go to the tonic.
5:23 PM-First round of commercials. Avon. Really, as an answer to the economy? Please.
and the first car I ever bought was a Hyundai. It was ok. Now lok at them.
eat that Ford, Chevy and Chrysler.
5:26 PM- Coin toss. I guess Iraq is going well enough for Petraeus to be here for coin
toss. Arizona wins.
5:32 PM-Kick Off.
5:38 PM-Wisenhunt have the stones to challenge the Roethlisberger touchdown and wins.
His knee was down. I like this for the Cardinals.
5:44 PM-The Pepsi commercial just reminds me how much talent has been downgraded in
the 45 years. Bob Dylan to wil.i.am? I don't think so. Plus Jack Black next to
John Belushi. Man have we gone downhill.
5:51 PM-I like Conan O'Brian Bud Light commercial. He is funny.
5:53 PM-3 and out for the Cardinals. Why did they run on 2nd and 20? That was odd.
5:57 PM Roethlisbeger just made a ridiculous scramble to get a 1st down from a 3rd and
5:59 PM I'm just going to call Ben, Ben because his name is too long to type and if he
is going to play like this, I will be typing it a lot.
6:01 PM Another Fast and the Furious? I didn't know the world needed another one with
Vin Diesel and Paul Walker. Not exactly Deniro and Pacino in Heat.
6:05 PM What is it the stupid Doritios commercials? I think the physical comedy is
kinda stupid and vulgar in these commercials and Danica Patrick and Go DAddy.
She started with cool girl power commercials and now she is letting nerds
oogle here in the shower.
6:08 PM Pittsburgh scores- 10-0.
6:12 PM I hate the horse commercials. I guess I'm Un-American.
6:20 PM The Arizona is landing some body blows with Edge James, then comes the right
cross-The 45 yard pass play to Boldin.
6:21 PM Touchdown-Warner Pass to Ben Patrick? I wonder who bet on that. Steelers 10
Cardinals 7.
6:34 PM Love the baby commercials with E-Trade. The brotha baby singing "Broken Wings"
is awesome.
6:41 PM The first turnover, Ben's pass is deflected and Dansby of the Cardinals picks
it out of the air.
6:43 PM Al Michaels with the smart joke about pirates since Bob Costas and the gang
are in the pirate ship at Raymond James stadium. " I hope none of them are
from Somalia."
6:47 PM Larry Fiztgerald sighting-11 yard reception.
6:48 PM This game is going pretty quickly. It is almost halftime already.
6:51 PM Kurt Warner picked off by James Harrison, he runs it back 100 yards, scores
and is winded on the ground. The longest play in SuperBowl history. Under
review now.
6:55 PM Ruling on the field stands. Steels 17, Cardinals 7.
7:00 PM I didn't have 3d glasses. I'm not sure it would not made a difference with
that Sobe commercial.
7:06 PM Bruce Springsteen hams it up the intro of his show. "I want you to put down
that Guacamole Dip. I want you to put down those chicken fingers." Classic.
The luckiest man in the world-Clarence Clemens. Does he do anything except
play a few tenor runs and hit a cowbell?
7:11 PM This when you look at the stage, no set lists, no teleprompters. The way all
bands should do it. You either know it or you fake it. Just perform.
7:15 PM When you need some heavy message song to be heavy, go with the gospel choir.
7:16 PM Changes the lyrics to Glory Days to "I knew a Football Player.." very clever.
7:17 PM "It's Boss Time!" I love the fact the Bruce is having fun and wants everyone
else to have fun. I love the ref with the flag.
7:22 PM The NBC commercials for they shows suck and are not funny. No wonder they are
in 4th place.
7:36 PM Love the Denny's Mob Commercial.
7:40 PM What's up with the field? Willie Parker and Edge James have been slipping all
7:47 PM 1st bullshit call of the game. Roughing the passer on Dansby. He barely hit
him Big Ben.
7:53 PM The dumbest penalty in SuperBowl history. A personal foul on a field goal try?
are you kidding me? Half the distance to the goal, 1st down.
7:57 PM Now maybe the dumbest coaching series in SuperBowl History. Still can't punch
in the touchdown. 3rd and goal a quarterback sneak? Steelers 20, Cardinals 7.
7:58 PM Love the CareerBuilder commercial. "Hey dummy" When your co-workers don't
repect you....
8:04 PM 4th Quarter. Will Kurt Warner become legendary? I still think the Arizona
defense has a big play in them.
8:08 PM Penalties are KILLING the Cardinals. This holding call brings back a nice pass
play. 91 yards in penalties so far for the Cardinals.
8:10 PM 96 yards in penalties. New SuperBowl record.
8:16 PM 1st sack on Big Ben. For all the mistakes the defense is making, they are
actually playing an ok game. If Warner can get the offense going, watch out.
8:19 PM Cash4gold-GREAT commercial. "Hereeeee's Money"
8:22 PM Warner and Fitzgerald are warming up. Warner is 6 for 6 on this drive.
8:24 PM The commercial bumps are cool. The SuperBowl rings are swanky.
8:25 PM Larry Fitzgerald is a man amongst boys. What a touchdown catch. 3:57 on that
drive so there is time left if the Arizona defense can hold Pittsburgh.
Steelers 20, Cardinals 14.
8:31 PM Big Sack! and the Steelers are 3 and out.
8:32 PM I'm not sure about the McGrubber commercial. It made me chuckle, if just for
the mullets.
8:36 PM James Harrison, loses his mind after running 100 yards with the 2nd dumbest
penalty in SuperBowl history. Punching a guy when he is down and backing up
the offense to the endzone
8:45 PM The 3rd dumbest penalty of the game, holding in the endzone, so it's a safety.
Steelers 20, Cardinals 16.
8:49 PM YOU KNEW THIS WAS COMING! Kurt Warner hits Fitzgerald in stride TOUCHDOWN!
Steelers 20, Cardinals 23.
9:00 PM Big Ben WHAT A PASS TO HOLMES! WHAT A CATCH! This is under review, but it's a
9:02 PM Steelers 27, Cardinals 23.
9:05 PM Is Kurt Warner the man? Can he do it in 29 seconds? Ohhhh this is a good game.
9:09 PM Nope. The Pittsburgh Steelers wins SuperBowl number 6 for the franchise. Mike
Tomlin is the youngest SuperBowl winning coach and the second black coach to
win. Great Game.
9:23 PM Joe Willie Namaith walks out with the Lombardi Trophy and he didn't kiss it.
9:26 PM Dan Rooney, giving a shout out to President Obama. Love it. Hey the Rooney
rule was named after the family to give black NFL coaches a chance to
interview for head coaching vacancies in the NFL. Santonio Holmes is the MVP.
As far as the commercials, go here to view them all.