This week's shopping spree was down at Waterloo Records in Austin and a download from iTunes at home (for me, iTunes purchases are total impulse buys)

1. Ten (Legacy Edition)-Pearl Jam: iTunes download
I was never a big Pearl Jam fan. I respect what they stand for and see their talent. This is the only album I really liked. "Jeremy" is such a great song. It moves me, makes me think and I have mad love for Jeff Ament's killer 12 string bass sound. Plus I love how Eddie Vedder holds the 3rd as he starts the the 2nd verse( at the 1:30 mark) of "Even Flow". I also dig "Black".-$16.99
All the rest were bought combing the aisles of Waterloo Records:

2. Contra-Vampire Weekend
I wrote about my 1st listen to this wonderful album here.-$10.99
3. All This Useless Beauty-$5.99

4. When I Was Cruel-$1.00

5. The Delivery Man-$1.00

Catching up on completing my Elvis Costello collection. By the way, Costello has the best artist wiki I've seen. It even has the concert set list when I saw him at the Backyard Oct 6, 2002.
6. Sorcerer-Miles Davis-$7.99

I'm always playing catch-up with the massive Miles Davis discography. I love this quintet-Miles, Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter and Tony Williams.

7. Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1-Traveling Wilburys-$7.99
In 1988, I was a 17 and my girlfriend at the time couldn't understand why I love the album (tape back then). I made her sit down and listen to it. She said something like, "Why do you like this old guys? I know you like the Beatles, so I give you this-George sounds the best..." Music should always be this easy to make. The feeling of this album is how I wish I can live life-easy, breezy, with a wink and a nod plus a wry sense of humor.
8. Kula-M.I.A.-$11.99
Last Saturday night after seeing a show, I attended an after party at my friend Travis Kennedy's (Hopefully, the engineer of the album I want to put out later this year) place with a group of cool people. We were all chatting and chillin' until Tara Lacy (music writer for and staffer at Austin360) came by and blew up the party. She put on this CD and we all danced to the whole disc. I admit, I'm late to the genius of this woman. "Paper Planes" was huge, but I think it's the worst song on the album. That's not a bad thing, cause that song is very good. Whenever I listen to this album, I will think of the great time I had dancing in the dark drunk with great friends.