Dear Daylight Savings Time:
Hello. My name is Jason. I am writing you this morning to express the emotions I am currently feeling to you, personally. These emotions include: confused anger, a tired and tragic sadness, a uniquely unquantifiable sort of hatred that I simply call "MMMMMMMMUUUUAAAGGAAAH." That sort of thing.
Why do we do this, again? Because we hate ourselves? Why has an hour of sleep been so cruelly and untimely ripped from me? Was this for farmers, or some crap like that? Argh. Argh, I say.
With the intensity of a thousand white hot suns, drowning in the throats of a hundred angry cats, I despise you, Daylight Savings Time. It is as perfect a hate as you shall ever feel in your lifetime. I want you to suck on that hate, forever and ever, until the end of Creation.
Right on brother Jason
2. Why was I up at Red 7 in Austin cursing Daylight Savings Time? I was at the Live! Art Benefit Show for KOOP radio 91.7 FM in Austin with my friends from It featured DJs and instant art creation from some talented people. Pictures of the event are located on the Austin360 A-List section. Here is the link. This was the after party for the independent media showcase Staple! The only photos I took were of my man Korey doing his part for the benefit. I'm not sure what it was he drew:
3. The new LEOG podcast on Spill went up on Friday. Again, if comics are a major part of your life, this podcast is the best in the world. Plus they have a bad ass musician on it. Yes, that musician is me...
4. Speaking of music, tonight is the 1st rehearsal for 2 music projects. One is for Soul Track Mind, the guys I went to go see last Wednesday night. I really want this gig. The other is for a group tentatively called Clouds in HiFi. It will feature the great Ruby Rocket as the lead singer. I will continue to update as each project progresses.
5. Things are going to ramp up big time here in Austin. South by Southwest (SXSW) is going to take over for the next 3 weeks. Being the guest list whore that I am, I will report on all that I see and do.